Competitions + Giveaways

We’ve done the odd review that comes with a competition or giveaway. These have so far been about children’s books and we’re open to doing more, depending on the book. We’re interested in small presses, and lovingly illustrated and produced books (but are not closed to bigger ones as long as the style of the book and age group it’s aimed at are a good match).

My children are both boys and are two-and-a-half and six years old (as at December 2014). Two examples of our reviews are here and here.

Here’s some stuff to know: 

  • Competitions and giveaways run on social media and involve readers sharing the post on Twitter, Instagram, Google+, and Facebook (although Little Lewes is not on the latter), or commenting on the post. Entrants usually need to follow Little Lewes on whichever network, too.
  • The winners’ names are pulled from a hat by one of my kids.
  • Winning items MUST be posted by the publisher/business/brand, rather than at my own expense.
  • Any review written and published on Little Lewes is done so on the understanding that the publisher/business/brand shares it widely on their own social network.
  • I’m always grateful for offers of items to review, but please don’t be offended if I don’t feel yours is the right fit for the interests of Little Lewes’s readers, or the blog’s aesthetic. Thank you for thinking of us anyway.

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