Hello 2016, Goodbye Little Lewes

Image via iloapp.misoui.se

Happy happy New Year to one and all! And I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. Our tree is being taken down as I write – it was a good festive season, perhaps not the best ever, and I’m definitely over it. I’m ready for a new year and its new challenges!

This won’t be a long post about my new year’s resolutions (or thoughts) and all that blah, it’s just going to be about one decision that I’ve finally made: I’ve resolved to halt writing Little Lewes.

There are a lot of reasons for this – they’re not that interesting so I won’t list them all. Mainly it’s about being honest with myself. I’ve continued to convince myself that it would be such a shame not to keep writing the blog because of all the hard work I’ve put in so far – and because it’s a nice way to document raising my children. But truth is it feels not only like a huge chore, but like it’s becoming another thing that takes me away from my boys – both physically and in mind. I no longer want to spend the precious time I’m with my kids taking pictures of where we are and making mental notes of facilities and opening times. I just want to live those experiences instead.

I also need me time. I have no me time (I take about one bath a year because I don’t have time in the evenings for a soak and a think) and I need to develop the habit of making it for myself – and fast. Because I feel like at several key points in each year I’ll break into pieces due to what I call ‘the overwhelm’, and it’s never good for my children, my husband or, well, me. This blog’s posts are often sewn together in the evenings and it’s time for that to stop.

So here I now am, with neither the headspace, nor the life space for Little Lewes. While I’m sad to let it go, in truth it’s something of a relief to. The site will remain live at least until March, when I’ll be asked to fork out my yearly hosting fee – if I can return it to WordPress-hosted, I’ll do that to keep it online, for myself as much as anything. And you never know, one day I may feel differently and pick up writing it again – maybe I’ll feel like that next week! It’s unlikely, but I’m not ruling it out.

I’m always super happy to receive emails and offer my thoughts on Lewes-related stuff, so do contact me through the Contact page if you want to get in touch. I’ll also keep hold of Instagram, as a sort of microblog – so do follow there if you’d like to keep updated on my thoughts on the stuff that we get up to.

Oh and before I go, I also wanted to tell you that in December the blog managed to raise – both directly and through inspiring other Lewes businesses to collect for it – over £505 for The UN Refugee Agency. I say ‘over’ because Enchanted Lewes hasn’t told me yet what the sum of its coppers collection at the event was. I’m really proud of this and think letting you know is a nice point to end on.

Other than that, all that remains for me to say is I thank you a million times for reading and supporting my little spot. I think – I know – I will miss it very much.

Kate x


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I’m Kate, a copywriter, brand consultant and editor who creates messages that are clear and clean. I create these for brands and agencies both big and boutique, in areas including design, homes and interiors, travel, fashion, lifestyle, beauty, food, and kids and families. I believe clear, clean messages bolster brands and businesses. They evoke emotion and ignite inspiration, and when written well, they’re easier to absorb – and respond to. I live in Copenhagen and am half-English, half-Danish. I write as comfortably in American English as in British, and behind the scenes I'm also studying Danish. Need help getting your message out? Contact me.

19 thoughts on “Hello 2016, Goodbye Little Lewes

  1. Ir’s been such a joy and pleasure to read your interesting blogs Kate , but as you say, time to move on. Spending time with your family and ” living the moment” is paramount to all you do. Yes you will probably miss it, but you won’t be missing out on the important memories you make with your loved ones.
    Have a memorable New year.. Jody’s mum, Deb x

    1. Thank you Deb, my favourite mum on social media (as I always tell Jody). It’s always nice to see your name in the ‘likes’ section on Instagram – please do keep following! You’re so right, ‘living the moment’ is what life is all about. I have been on a spinning treadmill too long, I had to get off! Hope to meet you when you’re over seeing Jody sometime soon. x

  2. I have loved loved Little Lewes and will miss it muchly but totally understand and honour your need to stop. I salute you. Thanks for a brilliant blog! Happy New Year and may ‘you-time’ be a fixture in 2016 xx Lucy
    Ps bought my incredibly fussy and hard-to-buy-for uncle one of those scandi candles that smell like the sea and he LOVES IT. See? Will miss those golden nuggets of insight!

    1. Such a dear comment to me Lucy, thank you for it v v much. MUST get together, I can’t believe we have managed to tail off again. I’m going to text you off this thing, but I love your words, they make me feel GOOD. As you always do lovely friend! xxx

  3. Thank you, Kate for creating such a wonderful blog which has saved my sanity on more than one occasion!! LL has been a treasure trove of ideas and tips, and put together really beautifully too.
    I am 100% behind your decision to stop however. I’m going through a bit of a blip at the moment too – it’s so hard to balance everything and be the Mum, wife, human being we all want to be. You and your family are the most important thing. I’m sure you’ll find your way back to it, in whatever medium suits you best, when the time is right.
    Happy New Year to you and yours, wishing you every happiness for 2016. I’ll still be keeping tabs on you via IG!! Cara xx

    1. Thank you Cara, I definitely need this pause – or possibly halt. It just all got too much and the blog just felt like a huge burden on top of everything else. Once the joy had gone out if it, I felt like the content was sort of showing it. I can’t write it with ‘fake’ passion after all. I hope one to be back, but yes do keep tabs on IG! See you there 🙂 Kate x

  4. Hi Kate, I discovered your blog only recently, so it’s a shame you’ve decided on quitting writing… at least for a while. However your reasons are totally understandable! The best thing you can do is follow your gut, and if you feel spontaneous and feel like writing, by all means do it. Your time is precious, and your boys are too. I hope when you post on Instagram you will continue to tweet a link on Twitter too. Just letting you know, I enjoy your writing style, your enthusiasm and creative ideas. Here’s to a fresh start, and happy new year:-)

    1. Thank you Lizzie, wise words indeed and so true. It is very nice to hear that you like the style and ideas – always good to hear that and I’ve had such nice comments in response to this post it makes me almost want to take it up again. But definitely not yet – or possibly ever. Thank you for taking the time to comment, it makes me feel good! x

  5. Kate my dear Little Lewes will be much missed! Hope you do manage to keep it as an amazing resource (for me!) to refer back to. Happy New Year to you all x

    1. Lovely Rowena, I will miss it a lot too 😦 But I have been looking into it staying online and it looks like it can be done (I’ll have to pay £200 or so but it’ll be worth it I think!). I don’t want all that work to slip away into the ether… Hope to see you soon for that dinner with Elly that I mentioned xxx

  6. Well we shall miss LL in Brazil, but I’m delighted to hear you’re putting yourself & family first. Long hot soaks in the bath should be the way forward in 2016! Huge congratulations on creating such a wonderful blog and also having the strength of mind to say ‘enough now’. X

    1. Thank you sweet Susie, I knew you would appreciate this one! It’s been two years since we talked about my need to take baths… I managed one last night you’ll be glad to hear! I’m emailing you this week about something entirely separate but very exciting – one of the reasons the blog has to end as well. xxx

  7. Hi Kate, the whole Kaleidoscope team are really sad to hear that the LL blog is ending. We have all thoroughly enjoyed reading the posts – you have a fabulous writing style, and the amount of thought you put into each blog is very evident – with the beautiful photos, artistic layout and attention to detail – you are a talented, clever woman and will certainly be missed by us and by many in Lewes.

    Thanks for all your support over the years. Enjoy your time with your family, as everyone says, they sure grow up fast…!


    1. Deidre what a lovely thing to say, thank you – I feel very touched by what nice things you have said. I was welling up! It is hard to let go of it, but harder to keep writing it. I will probably be back – it’s also hard to stay away, as I’m showing by replying to all the comments tonight. By the way your new poster is irresistible, so full of joy and exactly what posters of this type should be. Just brilliant. x

  8. I understand where you are coming from with this, but will definitely miss your blog. Thank you for sharing all your wonderful information over the last couple of years x

    1. Thank you too Kelly for always being good about commenting and also for your brilliantly honest blog. I feel I’ve hidden behind mine a bit and been quite boundaried, which was one of the frictions I had with continuing to write it. I wasn’t giving enough away but at times was giving more than I was happy to. It’s felt like a natural time to stop, at the start of the year, but I may well be back as I already miss it! Take good care, see you on IG. xxx

  9. Thanks so much for your blog – I’m a relative newbie to Sussex and have two small children so it’s been great for ideas for things to do. Thanks in particular for the Shoreham Airport tip – love it there now!

    Know EXACTLY how you feel re: having too much going on in life. I’m a writer and editor working from home and you feel like you’re always on duty in one way or another. Hope you find a pace you’re happy with.

    1. Such a nice comment Melanie, and I’m so pleased to hear that the blog is worthwhile for new people to the area – that’s why I wanted to keep it live (and also so I have the memories for myself). I’m a writer and editor too and I have the same issues as you 🙂 You have actually made me realise that I need to put another post up here to update the blog’s readers of what’s going on behind the scenes as we moved to Copenhagen two months ago to start a new life and have a new adventure. It’s one of the other reasons I stopped writing the blog, as the administration of moving your family’s life abroad while trying to work and parent is quite ungodly! Hope you find more bits and pieces on here that you like 🙂 It needs some maintenance as it’s not in great shape since I had to change the theme but… Warm wishes, Kate x

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